Monday, June 11, 2012

Rereading my First Note...comments that first came to mind...what you may be going though...and the link, ENJOY!

by Adopted Native American Citizenship Affected by The REAL ID Act of 2005 on Monday, June 11, 2012 at 9:53pm · PICTURE: Pennysticks Thin Pretzels, 12 oz. I'm starting to re-read my notes in an attempt to find the direction for this page. I decided re-posting each individual NOTE would be a start. The Welcome, a little about me and why I started this Facebook Page really humbles me because, I can see how absolutely desperate and hungry I was to move forward and figure out a way to get more documentation, the frustration of two forms of government, States, Arizona and New Mexico, and the Navajo Nation, an attempt to interprete the Real ID Act of 2005 and read through the lines to carve out my own path to finally obtaining my Certificate of Indian Blood and Navajo Nation Affidavit of Birth. By this time I had pretty much run out of money and was wondering in my mind where the next part of my funding was going to come out of. I did about everything, I sold gold rings, pawned gold and diamond rings, sold my gold necklaces, etc....just to keep forging on. The collateral damage has lasted still up to this last month...actually I think it was June 4, 2012...just last week, 7 days ago that I finally paid off my last pawn, and got two rings out of hawk. For some reason, the Pawn shop I had selected had been such an amazing place to me. I wonder if they could see my desperation, I'm sure it was different than any of the other person. At one point, don't remember when, I started to share with them my story and what was going on, the reason I kept selling more high dollar, valued posessions I'd had, some for almost 27 years. It was also a relief to me that I had these small bits of resoures, because they paid my rent, bills, kept my cellphone on and food in my mouth. Sometimes right after visiting the Pawn shop I would immediately walk down, cross the crosswalk, passed the Metro Station subway "Redline" stop and go directly to the 99 Cent Only store to get a meal. I was that hungry. The reason I had to sell possessions is because I was unable to get Food Stamps, qualify for any type of goverment welfare or assistance because in order to do that, you have to have a State Issued Identification "Plastic" card or a State Issued Drivers License "Plastic" card, At the time I did have a temporary Utah Drivers License, a paper document prospective employers wouldn't consider using with the United States Citizen and Immigration Services "USCIS" Employment Eligibility Verification "E-Verification" system, which means I couldn't even get a job. It was a very very tough time. I just want you all to know, if you are in this situation, You are not the only one that has been there. I had always had more than my share of wealth, a great place to live, money in the bank, a 401K Plan, great jobs, a wonderful social life, Life had been great, now was my time to be at the survivalist level, scraping by. My best friend Troy, and many other knew of how tough my life had become, I even ate pretzels and drank water for one week, because that's all I could afford, a 99 Cent bag of Pretzels sustained me with massive amounts of water, I'd eat a small handful of pretzels with like 3 glasses of water. Yup. thats where I was. To this day, it's hard to eat pretzels but the other day I went and bought some at the same 99 Cent Only Store in MacArthur Park, just so I'd be able to appreciate again the tast of pretzels, but this time I was able to down them with some great coconut water, which I would have never afforded the luxury of purchasing at some points during my struggle to regain a State Issued Drivers License and Identification. The Real ID Act has affected others and it's important to keep this page alive to help even just one person, or even a person who knows of an others struggle and understand what they may be going though. I remember once, I had to ask for money and my friend Troy lent me the money, that was when things were the most dire, after having successive businesses fail during the Depression called "The Great Recession" and the week of pretzel eating. I can laugh about it now, and can see my strength at being a survivalist, a warrior on his path to regaining that freedom again. So below is the link to my first entry.I survived the process of slow goverment, re-interpreting The Real ID Act, arguing with Vital Statistics people both State and Navajo Nation, dealing with Department of Motor Vehicle people and educating as I was learning...sometimes I even bluffed but what would you do to survive and move forward? Notice at the bottom of the note how desperate I really was. I even asked for help. Yup. below is the link to the first note, and I copied it, UNEDITED, so you would be able to experience it. THANKS AGAIN, Lele READ MY FIRST NOTE: Welcome! A little about me and why I started this Facebook Page My name is Leland Morrill born Leland Kirk, founder of this Facebook Page: "Adopted Native American Citizenship Affected by The REAL ID Act of 2005" I am affected by the REAL ID ACT OF 2005. The specific passages I am affected by: H. R. 418 (Real ID Act of 2005) Pages 42 through 48 cover my predicament: (pg 42) TITLE II—IMPROVED SECURITY FOR DRIVERS’ LICENSES AND PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION CARDS (pg 43) Minimum document requirements: (pg 44) (2) The person’s date of birth. (pg 45) (B) Documentation showing the person’s date of birth Page 46: (C) TEMPORARY DRIVERS’ LICENSES AND17 IDENTIFICATION CARDS (i) IN GENERAL.—If a person presents evidence under any of clauses (v) through (ix) of subparagraph (B), the State may only issue a temporary driver’s license or temporary identification card to the person. (ii) EXPIRATION DATE.—A temporary driver’s license or temporary identification card issued pursuant to this subparagraph shall be valid only during the period of time of the applicant’s authorized stay in the United States or, if there is no definite end to the period of authorized stay, a period of one year. Now my brief history and what I've done up til now, then what I need: I was adopted out of the Navajo Nation on July 15, 1971 to a wonderful anglo family. The day after we moved to Canada as my new Anglo parents, Stan and Gwena Morrill, were transferred. They were unable to obtain a Birth Certificate for me. The Navajo Nation Judicial District of Chinle adopted me, a Navajo Orphan, out of their tribe to an Anglo family. I love my adopted family, that is not the point. What is:The Trial Court of the Navajo Tribe (Chinle,AZ) adopted me Leland Kirk to the Morrills without a Birth Certificate, Certificate of Indian Blood, or Census Number. Trial Court Judge Joe G Bennalley of The Navajo Tribe, presided and Perl Bautista was the Clerk, Courts of The Navajo Tribe at my final adoption proceedings. The Judge, for some reason, must have overlooked the Birth Certificate and Census Number at the time. On my Final Judgement of Adoption (NAVAJO TRIBE) There is a C# to the right of my name, Leland Pacheco Kirk that has no number. I am assuming C#=Census Number. My Final Judgement of Adoption from the Navajo Nation in Chinle Arizona Note the C# without a Census Number to the right of my name I have spent tens of thousands of dollars throughout the past 22 years attempting to get the necessary documents to obtain even the smallest amount of infomation to fulfill the C.I.B. requirements not including all the hours day in and day out. My official first "research" document is dated September 07, 1989 Until January 13, 2011, I never knew the Navajo Nation had it's own Vital Statistics and had been working with The State of New Mexico and The State of Arizona Vital Statistics to finally obtain an Arizona "Certificate of No Birth" issued December 21, 2010 issued with my adopted anglo mothers name on it. Had I known there was a Navajo Vital Statistics, I would have not wasted 12 months of legal, emails, letters, telephone calls to Arizona Vital Statistics but instead turned to the Navajo Nation Vital Statistics. I have been working with Alicia at the Window Rock Agency Navajo Nation Vital Statistics Office. The progress is snail-pacing-ly slow. I have talked to three other employees RuthAnn, Velma and Florinda in addition to talking to Gertrude "Trudy" at the Fort Defiance Navajo Nation Vital Statistics office. For the Window Rock office to document/log and look at mail took 3 weeks. A promise to send me the CIB form 2+ weeks. FINALLY (today February 24,2011) after many weeks I get the letter Dated: February 10, 2011 mailed from a PO Box 3240 in Window Rock but the letter is stamped "Albuquerque NM 871" dated "22 Feb 2011 PM 1T" OK, the point is I got it finally from Alisia Milford. A belated thank you Alisia. SHOCK AND AWE- I do not have anything close to the amount of information needed for the enclosed documents. Navajo Nation Application for Membership and Navajo Nation Application for Services Me, Leland Morrill with my letter from Alisia, Window Rock Navajo Office of Vital Records & Identification Alisia was supposed to send me a C.I.B. or "Certificate of Indian Blood" But would it be too easy to look up online?!? Of course, Silly me: What I do have are PHS IH Hospital Records, Final Judgement of Adoption form the Trial Court of the Navajo Tribe, Judicial District of Chinle, Arizona in my possession. All scanned, a collection of 22, yes twenty two years of research to now use for a C.I.B. I know there are others with my predicament out there who were adopted out of their native tribes without proper documentation that H.R. 418 The Real ID Act of 2005 will soon affect their U.S. Citizenship. I started the Facebook Page "Adopted Native American Citizenship Affected by The REAL ID Act of 2005" to help me, and other Adopted Native Americans find their way back to their respective tribes. I know I can't do it by myself. I need funds. I need time. I need resources. This will come as my situation and others behind me will soon need more resources. I would like to be the first to obtain some type of funding because IT'S EXPENSIVE to hire attorneys, notary publics,legal help, endless phone-calls, letter writing. and research So far it's me who's funding my own research and my own time. It's getting expensive. I'm wondering if there is a Grant to apply for? Companies, Foundations, Private Trusts, Individuals willing to donate to my cause? I am willing to be the National Public Face for Adopted Native Americans Citizenship Affected by THE REAL ID ACT of 2005 Would you, your organization be willing to help? Do you know of any individuals, oragnizations, trusts, foundations willing to help? Please Email me! Thank you Email: If you would like to contribute, have vital information that will help, please email using the subject line:Adoption: Leland Kirk Written by: Leland P. Morrill PLEASE "like" my page and READ MY OTHER NOTES AND BLOG ENTRIES. Thank you!